
Saturday, 22 August 2020

Dream Room Area and Perimeter

As part of our measurement unit, taurima and tauono have been learning how to find area and perimeter. To show their learning, ākonga designed their dream room then worked out the dimensions of their chosen objects. 

Check out their amazing creations...

Friday, 3 July 2020

Matariki Bag tags & Key rings...

Some our our students in Ata Hāpara worked with Elizabeth to deisgn and create a key ring or bag tag inspired by Matariki.  They were printed on our new 3D printer...Check our our designs!

Friday, 22 May 2020

Moon Phases That Will Inspire You

Yesterday, we were learning about Moon Phases as part of our maramataka study.
First, students were able to choose what type of display they liked the most. Next, we planned our mahi by drawing and labelling diagrams of what we expected our display to look like.
Before creating our displays we then needed to do some research about different moon phases and the Māori ingoa for each phase.
Check out some of our awesome mahi below.

Monday, 23 March 2020

Tau Whitu, Tau Waru - Haerenga Ki Spencer Park

As part of our akomanga and their introduction to the William Pike Challenge, we along with the Tangaroa year 7 and 8 students attended an overnight camp at Spencer Park. Students were responsible for getting themselves to the campground either by bike or by foot. Many found this challenging and our waewae were certainly feeling it when we got there. Students were also responsible for setting up their tents and preparing their own menu and cooking this individually or in teams. The following day students opted into an activity. One group got to learn bush survival skills. They learnt the food that could be foraged for. We built huts to shelter ourselves if lost in the bush. We also learnt how to find Huhu grubbs in rotten logs and many of us even got to sample these delicacies.